音响网(Audio160):您好,很高兴有机会采访您!据悉您在中国从事dB Technologies品牌运营工作已经多年了,那么这些年以来您在工作或生活上有什么样的感受和收获呢?
Mr. Martin Capp:早在25年前我就已经来到中国和亚太地区,那时候主要是从事几个西方顶级专业音响品牌的国际销售工作。2008年初我开始在dB Technologies就职,工作是提高dB这个品牌在亚洲的知名度,使其拥有和在世界其他国家一样高的认知度。我需要了解并改变那些与我们的目标不一致的公司,并授权给区域分销商以支持这些公司的成长,而这些工作的开展才仅仅几年时间,这是我居住于此的重要原因,也是我在中国的基础。在过去的4年时间里我学习到了大量的东西,这些东西都是关于怎样在中国这一地区达成交易和管理。就我个人而言,我以前也有过生活在中国人之间的经验。历史和文化造就了今天的中国。我对生活的理解是:我所经历的一切都是美好的!
音响网(Audio160):是什么促使您与朗龙合作,共同推动dB Technologies在中国乃至整个亚太地区的发展?
Mr. Martin Capp:在中国这个世界上最大且独立的市场上,最重要的是要用正确的方式充分的理解以及处理所遇到的问题。2007年朗龙科技被dB Technologies指定为总代理公司,全权代表dB在中国市场的活动,这一切都归因于朗龙公司拥有高素质的员工。在中国销售西方品牌尤其需要有强烈的合作精神以及对一切事物的学习和理解,不仅仅在于技术方面的学习,还需要对于品牌和公司的特色和唯一性有非常深入的理解!这几年通过走访许多中国的代理公司,我意识到要树立dB为一个最顶级的品牌还需要几年时间。要实现品牌推广的目标,就需要品牌代表们以此作为品牌推广的基础:创新的科技、高质量的设计、客户服务以及高的性价比。
音响网(Audio160):作为dB Technologies亚太地区的主要负责人,您觉得目前dB品牌在亚太地区以及中国市场的发展情况是怎样的?
Mr. Martin Capp:2007年dB Technologies这个品牌在亚太市场上的知名度并不高。但是它的兄弟公司RCF却众人皆知,而只有少数专业人士耳闻过我们的品牌,了解它的不同之处,知道其拥有全球范围的生产规模和颠覆性的设计!我们也使用RCF单元,兄弟公司作为供应商这一点的优势不言而喻,可是RCF的喇叭单元和dB专用的喇叭单元还是有着不同的设计理念!2012年我们在中国和亚太地区的形势较4年前有很大的不同,多谢那些伟大的处于成长中的区域经销商们,dB Technologies已经目睹了我们在该区域史无前例的发展。自2008年以来,销售量以每年超过翻倍的速度增长。当然这里还有相当大的成长空间,我们也已经意识到自己已经超过了以往在这个市场上取得好成绩的公司。
Mr. Martin Capp:中国专业音响市场一直都在不断的踏步前进,虽然大多数的人还在使用老的设计方法和演示方法,但仍有一两家公司领先他们,像dB Technologies这样来自西方的品牌,它拥有最新技术并且给市场带来了革新的设计。改进这个词语对于他们而言,不仅包含了十年的设计和见解能力方面的丰富经验,还包括他们使用新的声学原材料、高品质的功率放大器、指挥者,当然还有行业知识,并且很清楚的知道如何把这所有因素都恰当好处的结合从而取得胜利!
音响网(Audio160):在dB Technologies进入中国市场的这几年时间里,你们是如何让它一步步的融入中国市场的?主要的应用案例有哪些?
Mr. Martin Capp:在中国这个市场上,我们主要目标是通过广泛的联系,在大多数工程商、经销商、租赁公司中建立和提升dB Technologies的品牌。朗龙科技孜孜不倦的走访客户与他们探讨使用我们音频系统的优势,这样一点一滴的积累,我们看到了越来越多的中国业内人士了解了有源音箱以及有源技术和相关的控制管理。每一个应用的案例都成为了下一个销售的“大使”,产品自身的性能和稳定的质量都无声的为我们自己做着推广。在中国的案例有很多,包括:北京欢乐谷奥德赛剧场、世博会项目的DVA垂直线阵列的应用,租赁公司、高级酒店的宴会厅、娱乐中心、现场表演,政府部队文艺演出团体、会议中心和一大批不同类型的应用案例。

dB Technologies DVA有源垂直先阵列音箱
音响网(Audio160):据悉,与其他音响品牌相比dB Technologies产品具有独特的产品特征,那么主要的特征和优势有哪些?
Mr. Martin Capp:我们代理的dB Technologies品牌作为专业音响行业的领航者,其有源技术打破了独立使用音箱、独立使用功放以及控制器的传统观念。不过为了满足那些有特殊安装需求的使用者,我们仍然以高的专业度来提供高质量的无源音箱和功放产品,但本质上而言,如今的科技前沿仍然是关于最佳功率、调试、保护和控制。这种有源设计使得产品更加容易拥有有优势的价格,在十年多的时间里,每当公司在开发全套音频系统时,有源产品的高性价比已经成为引领我们设计的方向。对于dB Technologies而言,除了设计背后蕴含的高端技术以外,如何将声效、调试赋予最有的“魔力”是最重要的。我们有一个巨大的研发团队,团队里的工程师都是才华横溢的,世界上最出色的天才的工程师成为了研发部的负责人。在他的领导下,所有推出的新产品都具备一致的完整性声音,这一点也同样体现在dB Technologies全部的产品上!

dB Technologies DVA T12三分频有源线阵列音箱
音响网(Audio160):对未来dB Technologies在亚太地区或中国市场的发展有什么样的计划和期待?
Mr. Martin Capp:我非常希望在未来几年的时间里,dB Technologies以现在乃至更快的速度在中国继续成长,我们的音频系统技术正在获得更广泛的接受和认知,更多的亚洲专业人士对我们所带来的产品都赞赏有加,更大的兴趣带来了更多的销售业绩,品牌会越来越强大。我不希望从按常规划分的销售区域来达成业绩,从其他西方竞争的品牌来看,似乎没有人如我们一样有着如此之快的发展速度。这也反映出一个事实,那就是产品的要件拥有了公司所有的高科技资源,例如,RCF单元、还有拥有Digipro专利技术的数字功放模块和控制器,这些因素都决定了我们在拥有高端的产品的同时还拥有价格优势!很多的竞争对手会单独采购模块和配件,例如单元、功放和控制器,这样只会大大的增加产品的成本,实际上这些最后都是由消费者来买单!拥有dB Technologies,你将拥有独立创新的设计、最好的零部件和价格,这些都可以反射出我们团队的理念:用真正属于自己的科技创造真正属于自己的产品!
Audio160: Hello! It is nice to have an interview with you!We heard that you have been worked for dB Technologies in China many years, could you please talk about your feeling and gains both in job and life?
Mr. Martin Capp:I began travelling to China and the Asian Pacific some 25 years ago and have concentrated on international sales for a number of top famous western brands in the professional audio industry. My working role for dB Technologies began in early 2008, the job was to make the brand as famous in Asia as it is in the rest of the world. I needed to change distributors that were not in line with our objectives and appoint the right distribution companies in those areas in order to see growth. To do this in just a few years it was important to live here in the time zone, so I have a base in China. I have learnt a great deal in the past 4 years about how business is conducted in China and this region. On a personal note I have experienced life at the heart of the Chinese people, the history and culture that makes China what it is today. My understanding of life in general is all the better for my experiences!

Audio160:What makes your cooperation with Sharp Dragon Tech to develop dB Technologies’s sales market in China?
Mr. Martin Capp:It was important that the largest single market in the world be fully understood and dealt with in the correct way. In 2007 Sharp Dragon was a new distribution company and was chosen as the dB Technologies representative company in China because of the quality of its people. Selling western brands in China demands extremely good cooperation and understanding of all things, not just technical, but also seeing the sole of the brand and company! Having visited many Chinese distributor companies over the years I was aware that establishing dB Technologies as a top brand in China would take a few years. It was therefore essential that the people representing the brand did it in the way that it should be, based on; innovative technology, quality of design, customer support and value for money.
Audio160:As the sales manager of China and Pacific area for dB Technologies, what’s your opining about DB’s situation in China also Pacific area.
Mr. Martin Capp:In 2007 the Asian Pacific did not really know the brand name of dB Technologies very well. Everyone knew our sister company RCF, but few professionals had any idea that our brand was very similar in production numbers and turnover figures worldwide. They also did not realize that just like RCF product brand we also use RCF drivers from our sister company giving us the same advantage as them, but with a very different design concepts! In 2012 our situation in China and the Asian Pacific is very different from four years ago. Thanks to some great and growing distribution companies appointed all over the region, dB Technologies has seen an unprecedented growth in this area. Each year since 2008 the sales figures have more than doubled. There is still room for a lot of growth, but we can already see that we are well ahead of competitors who have been successfully selling successfully in this region for decades.
Audio160:What do you think about Chinese professional audio market compare with European?
Mr. Martin Capp:The Chinese professional audio market is improving all the time. However, most are using old methods of design, pats and method, with one or two Chinese companies that stand above the rest. It is for western brands like dB Technologies with the latest technology to bring new and innovative designs to the market. Improvements are not only made by incorporating decades of design understanding, but also using new acoustic materials, quality digital amplifiers and controllers and the knowledge of how to put it all together in a notable and winning package!

Audio160:How do you push DB Technologies in to Chinese market in recent years? What’s the main projects have been done in China?
Mr. Martin Capp:The main aim in China has been to promote dB Technologies with the most technically competent dealers, contractors and rental companies that we have wide contact with. Sharp Dragon has tirelessly visited and discussed with customers the advantage of using our systems. Bit by bit we see more and more Chinese professionals understanding the advantages of powered speakers, the technology and control behind it. Each installation becoming the “Ambassador” for the next sale, its performance and standing of quality, speaking for itself! There are now many installations throughout China, large DVA Line Array systems in Theme Parks, respected rental companies, Hotel ballrooms, entertainment centre’s, Live music venues, Chinese army facilities, conference centre’s and a number of different uses that are too many to mention.
Audio160:We heard that dB Technologies’s products have their own characters. What’s the main character and advantages?
Mr. Martin Capp:Our company of dB Technologies is in the forefront of professional audio, changing views about powered speakers to those who hang on to the old method of separate speakers, separate amplifiers and controllers. Of course we also use our expertise to offer high quality separate cabinets and amplifiers for those that require them in particular installs, but essentially today’s latest technology is about optimizing power, tuning, protection and control. This is more easily done at a good price when one company develops the complete system and that has been our direction for more than a decade! Apart from the high end technology behind the designs, the “black art” of how it sounds and is tuned is very important to dB Technologies. We have a large R&D team of gifted engineers and are fortunate to have the department headed by one of the best audio designers in the world. His guidance makes sure that all released models have the same musical integrity that is so apparent in all dB Technologies cabinets!
Audio160:What’ your plans and expects for dB Technologies development in China and Pacific area?
Mr. Martin Capp:I fully expect for growth to continue at its present level and even accelerate for a few more years! Our technology of systems is gaining greater acceptance and understanding from the area as more Asian professionals appreciate the advantages of what we offer, greater interest and therefore sales, the brand name getting ever stronger! I expect to gain business not only from the natural growth of the region, but from western competitor brands not able to develop as quickly as ourselves. It is also a fact that having high end technology within the company, main components, such as; RCF transducers as well as Digipro digital amplifier modules and controllers allows us to release high end product at a better price! Many of our competitors require the buying in of modules and components such as; transducers, amplifiers and controllers and that can only add considerably to the end user price! With dB Technologies you get the very best of innovative design, with the very best of components and at a price that reflects our group philosophy of making all of our own products using our own technology!
朗龙科技成立初期首先引进到中国大陆、香港和澳门市场的专业音响品牌是英国的G9(Global 9 Ltd),随后又引进了意大利的专业音响品牌dB Technologies (RCF旗下品牌)以及英国公广专业设备品牌Cloud(Cloud Electronics)。G9和 dB Technologies品牌提供卓越的有源、无源和线阵列音箱,功放和电子周边设备等专业音响产品;Cloud品牌提供极具稳定性和特定场所使用的公广分区器和混音功放、寻呼话筒等专业电子设备。朗龙科技以建立这三个品牌在中国大陆及港澳地区的销售网络,并服务好广大客户为主旨,同时支持着它们在亚洲其它市场的销售。
朗龙科技经营理念是不仅带来品牌的名字,而且引导中国消费者了解其独特的设计和先进的工艺,并通过切实的信息和实际的应用解析其优势所在!自公司成立以来,一直充当着G9、dB Technologies和Cloud这三个品牌在中国的联络站,朗龙科技使中国及亚太地区的客户们和国外公司保持密切联系,它不仅在销售和市场开发方面做出卓有成效的工作,更是在对客户的支持和服务上孜孜以求。